More awards for "High Water"!

Next awards went to the Authors of "High Water"! For the very first time prizes for the Best Screenplay of Premium Series during Gildia Scenarzystów Polskich - Polish Screenwriters' Guild was awarded, and they went to: KASPER BAJON and KINGA KRZEMIŃSKA.


HIGH WATER awarded for the best Polish premium drama series - Polskie Nagrody Filmowe ORŁY! Bravo to the authors, actors, whole crew, Netflix, this is your award!

JANEK HOLOUBEK won the Polityka Passport Award

JANEK HOLOUBEK won the Polityka Passport Award (a prestigious prize presented by a leading Polish weekly magazine) "for sketching ambiguous characters in a distinctive social and political landscape, for boundless empathy, honesty and sincerity, as well as for reminding us that there are more things in people that are rather worth of admiration than contempt" in the series WIELKA WODA / HIGH WATER. We’re so happy! Congratulations! Bravo, Jan Holoubek!

pianoforte on sundance!

„Pianoforte” w reżyserii Jakuba Piątka i produkcji Telemark na Sundance, w prestiżowym konkursie World Documentary Cinema Competition! Gratulujemy i dziękujemy wszystkim twórcom i członkom ekipy zaangażowanym w jego powstanie oraz koproducentom filmu: Narodowemu Instytutowi Fryderyka Chopina, Mazowieckiemu i Warszawskiemu Funduszowi Filmowemu, MX35, a także HBO Max (Hanka Kastelicova) oraz BBC Storyville (Lucie Kon), którzy również […]

december on idfa

Grzegorz Paprzycki & Telemark went through PRODUCERS CONNECTION. One out of two Polish projects on the most important European documentary market. Our creative documentary project about the refugees crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border and people's reaction on it with, with the great reception in Amsterdam. Dozen of fantastic meetings, new relations - we have a strong belief that what we are doing makes sense. We are moving on!

We are developing creative documentary titled December

We are developing creative documentary titled "December” - a feature lenght debut by Grzegorz Paprzycki. We just came back from second session of Ex Oriente Film workshops on Mezinárodní festival dokumentárních filmů Ji.hlava in Jihlava. Very soon we are going to pitch our project on IDFA . Keep your fingers crossed!

high water with record

In the second week since the premiere #highwater is the number one among most popular non-english productions in the World on #netflix!

HIGH WATER - week after premiere

Since the premiere last week High Water was watched for over 45 millions of hours. It is the second place globally on #Netflix for non-english series this week! Thank you, and for all who didn't see it yet - we invite you to watch!

high water pre-premiere

Last Friday - 30.09.2022 in NFM - Wrocław we had a great pre-premiere of two episodes of "High Water" series It was unforgettable meeting of creators, actors and crew meeting with Wroclaw citizens. Since 05.10.2022 series will be available globally in 190 countries on netflix!